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Ikea Soft Toys for Education campaign: a collection designed by kids!

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Home » Novità per famiglie » Ikea Soft Toys for Education campaign: a collection designed by kids!

The Ikea Soft Toys for Education campaign aims to provide a better education for children who live in some of the world’ s poorest country. For every soft toy or children book sold until January, 2 2016, the Ikea Foundation donates euro1 to Save the Children and Unicef.
Last year, Ikea Family invited all their customers’ children to design their dream soft toy. Among thousands of wonderful contributions received, ten winners were chosen. The new collection named SAGOSKATT was inspired by these winning soft toys.

“These soft toys are truly fun and imaginative, but they also have a special meaning. As IKEA Foundation donates euro1 per sold soft toy to UNICEF and Save the Children, this means that children are helping children to build a better future for themselves.” Bodil Fritjofsson, Product Developer, IKEA of Sweden.

Since 2003, the Ikea Soft Toys for Education campaign has helped more than 11 million children through 99 project realised in 46 countries and it raised euro77 million.

“We can only overcome poverty if we make education a priority for all children. We especially need to invest in a quality education for girls, children with disabilities and children from minority communities. No child should be left behind.” Per Heggenes, CEO IKEA Foundation.


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Maila Nuccilli

Maila Nuccilli

Giornalista pubblicista, fin da bambina affascinata del mondo dei mass media (tv, cinema, e giornalismo) e da sempre appassionata di comunicazione, campo nel quale lavora da oltre 15 anni. Ha iniziato a collaborare con Kid Pass dagli esordi. Attualmente, seguendo la sua passione per il cinema, cura in particolare la sezione sui film e le serie TV dedicate a bambini e ragazzi, oltre ad altri temi e consigli utili ai genitori.

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